I made a program in pyhon to monitor some files changes/creations.
it works very well on a windows plateform monitoring a local hard disk.
When I try on an ubuntu machine, trying to watch a volume o…
Hi, short question, within the Handy App you can define User Favorite programms and Names.
If i configure something on my Phone (apple), my wife can also see this on her Phone (Andoid).
Do you know …
Gnuradio 3.8 now uses Python 3. Also, gr-osmosdr won't build with Python 3. Ham2mon does not currently support Pyhon 3.
I am not in touch with the timeline for gr-osmosdr to python3. I don't s…
I've gotten the same error. I am using CCV1.32, WindowsXP, nodebox,Pyhon 2.6
nodebox is from http://www.cityinabottle.org/nodebox/
The fllowing is my change in tuio\__init__.py
There is an error when adding integrations on config/integrations/integration/hon.
I attach the logs.
in industrial_robot_simulator package the pyhon file
def accelerate(self, last_pt, current_pt, current_time, delta_time):
intermediate_pt = JointTrajectoryPoint()
I've gotten the same error. I am using CCV1.32, WindowsXP, nodebox,Pyhon 2.6
nodebox is from http://www.cityinabottle.org/nodebox/
The fllowing is my change in tuio\__init__.py
The character "-" in the name of a pyhon package is invalid. we get import error while creating database:
openstack@openstack_3:~/masakari/masakari-controller/db$ ./create_database.sh
I have three problems,
first,can you share the data of ADE and bb task,
second,i find some head file donot include in the code you shared,can you share it completely or where can i find this head fi…