1. ~~Do we have adequate flood stage info? If not, can we use > 90% (and explain that in plain english)~~ we do
2. what geographic info are we including for reference? big cities/capital, county equi…
Add test-function.R to tests/testthat folder. These test scripts should mirror the structure of files in the R folder of the FishSET package and should be designed to ensure that functions are working…
Make it easier and less error prone to setup a new regional model implementation or scenario. When reading in inputs, the software will perform a series of validation checks such as:
- Each pers…
The health checks I ran flagged extremely high daily temperature (>60 degC) in HadGEM3-GC31-LL and UKESM1-0-LL (ssp245 and ssp585). The maximum temperature hits 64 degC. The position of the maximum is…
Curious what people's thoughts are about shifting to using wide mode for these reports.
Consider these two options - the current layout has a good amount of dead whitespace in the margin betwee…
I am writing functions to flag potential errors in the data. Then functions to filter or process certain ones for use in the analysis. What is the best way to do this if we want to get the flags into …