210 samples were sequencing in my research. And the number of sequencing reads of my sample was varied greatly, from 40,000 to 210,000. Also, the number of sequencing reads was rarefied to 40,000. \
Hi there, I constructed a network at the family level for my microbial data set, but I want to color the dots by Phylum. I'm having a lot of trouble doing this.
Here's my code:
Attempting to run br on a 15 Gb dataset of reads > 10kb with parameters:
`br -k 19 -i STL_F2_isoline_pooled.10k.fa -o brutal-out -t 32`
It gives the error, "Error: Can't compute minimal abundance"…
This comment was submitted to me from Niv de Malach . Below I have also posted my replies each email as its own entry.
> I started using your MOBR package (just the tutorial from Rpubs) and found i…
Noticed while going through #74...
- [ ] Introduction.ipynb: double rarefaction at earliest t shows artifacts at discontinuity,
- [ ] Introduction.ipynb: The interacts have `t = 0.001` to avoid pr…
Data is arguably likely to be incorrect in the direction of missing rare species. What happens to our metrics (percentile value of observed vs sampled values for skewness, Simpson index, Shannon div) …
# mobr_app functions and their currently implemented parameters
All parameters that are **BOLD** are currently implemented while those in _ITALICS_ are not. Please let me know if you would like a…
I run the iNEXT and ggiNEXT using 100 samples, the time that functions required is too long. How to make it faster or parallel.
While discussing with @gregcaporaso the output plot from alpha box plots we agreed that a needed improvement is to find a way to easily and visually identify those boxes with less samples, having it …
I'm running NMGS with microbial datasets. It runs OK with one containing 7000 OTUs and 122 samples using 20000 iterations (burnin 10000). Then, when I try another dataset with 122 samples but 17…