When/ if a preview is opened from a tasklist, it should be the info report. Because refreshing an info report every time the selection changes, might cause slow-downs or sluggish movement, the info-pr…
### _**This issue is a reference to the modules of development and timeline structured with them in their own domain**_
When PHAL service starts it complains about `tasklist` no such file or directory. Not sure if I'm missing a directory or a binary.
2023-03-27 21:25:24.046 - OVOS - ovos_PHAL.service:on_error:1…
8 | * Tmp
9 | *
10 | * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 KARASZI Istvan
11 | *
12 | * MIT Licensed
13 | */var S=import.meta.require("fs"),$8=import.meta.require("path"),Y6=import.meta.require…
We should draft up a bunch of tasks that need to be knocked over before OWeek starts.
If we are trying this out during OWeek, it's going to be just CSESOC's stall, right?
I'm thinking:
- Client -- do…
lines 226-232
Maybe this can be refactored
let retDataTemp = [];
if (localStorage.taksListStorage !== undefined) {
retDataTemp = JSON.parse(localStorage.taksListStorage);
export co…
Things to be documented:
Current state as in **0.8-dev**
## Creating Patterns
- [ ] Euclid
- [x] euclidian rhythm params as patterns
- [ ] e'
- [ ] en
- [x] the shift parameter
- [x] Transiti…
I have a way of writing routine to-do list items by tagging them with the word "@weekly, @daily, @yearly", etc so that I remember that I need to increment the date for the next time I do that by that …
This is a meta task to highlight actionable items that would improve the current legacy Tasklist. This is wholely inspired by recent development efforts related to the IconTasklist (#25). To ease disc…