_Issue [JP-3794](https://jira.stsci.edu/browse/JP-3794) was created on JIRA by [Christian Hayes](https://jira.stsci.edu/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=chayes):_
Extract1d currently uses a rectangular…
Co-aligning a stack of images to a common WCS is a common task. We should have a function that, given a target WCS, reprojects a list of images to that target WCS and adds an additional axis to that W…
Is there any reason why `:naxis` isn't included in `setproperty!`? For example I'm interested in a function like [sub(n) in astropy.wcs](https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/api/astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.html#…
I tried to add a raster layer to my qgis project that has a default style in GeoServer. The style does not seem to be applied to the QGIS WCS Layer created. It would be nice to have the default geoser…
**Describe the bug**
These two FITS headers refuse to align with others. What is wrong with them?
Could not enable spatial matching of Bania2_downsampled_kms_try2.fits to reference image G00…
I have 7 node cluster , After one server reboot, I bring node1 up again. I get this error: "Cannot achieve consistency level for cl LOCAL_QUORUM. Requires 1, alive 0" from go driver.
nodetool stat…
**Describe the bug**
This is a user bug report. If we load the image
we do not see the wcs grid rendered pro…
Visualization.py within megaradrp is not plotting the WCS coordinates if only the --wcs-grid para meter is set (no --wcs-pa-from-header used).
Besides, when putting --wcs-grid if one adds contours…
To allow fits and asdf files to be displayed to ds9 and ginga using the appropriate wcs objects.
sosey updated
5 years ago
## Expected behavior and actual behavior.
### Expected behavior
#### Burst Polygon, BBOX and Masking
Original data from Sentinel-1 SLC downloaded from [here](https://datahub.creodias.eu/odata/v1/Pr…