I ran snphylo and got the error below: did not have DP information and only recognizing chromosome. Please any suggestion?
snphylo.sh -p 25 -v pcap-test1.vcf
Start to remove low quality data.
Hi, I am running a multivariate analysis, but I discovered MTAG is dropping a whole lot of SNPs due to inconsistent allele. Is there a flag to include to retain this inconsistent allele, or a method …
following the instructions and having downloaded the sample data as instructed here: https://github.com/hakyimlab/MetaXcan/tree/v0.6.11
using these commands as per the example:
./MetaXcan.py \
Dear developers,
I encountered an issue with RGsets that contain both EPIC and IL450k arrays - created with combineArray(). It seems that getSnpBeta() doesn't work properly on the combined RGset.
Hi there,
I'm looking for a good method to combine calls produced by short variant callers (50bp). Most structural variant merging tools are designed to merge SVs from different SV callers, and SNP…
Are there any obvious reasons for this? I used GATK add read groups, mark duplicates, and SplitNCigar reads beforehand. I am just using snp-counts to count reads for a different purpose with an RNA-se…
Hi, thanks for developing this tool for genotyping. I performed SNP calling with cellsnp-lite, with either (7.4M SNPs with minor allele frequency (MAF) > 0.05) or (36.6M SNPs with minor allele frequen…
I am using vcftools to convert vcf file to the 012 format:
`vcftools --vcf sar.vcf --012 --out sar2`
I am getting the following line in the log file:
> After filtering, kept 19402 out of …
I am combing results from hapsb_ind() output using the pp_individual_roh() and I don't want to add meta information. But pp_individual_roh() throws me an error even if I do meta_info=False. I…
I was trying to hard-filter the vcf files outputed by GATK HaplotypeCaller, and I want to keep variants that meet the following condition: depth (QD) < 2.0 || FisherStrand (FS) > 60.0 || root …