Occasionally, a seemingly infinite amount of grenades are given after buying a weapon from the wall or the mystery box which decrease as the weapon runs out of ammo but fill back up after buying ammo …
Entities on ships have periodically shown an inability to use their path finding. Some examples are: CustomNPCs not moving onto, or while standing on, an assembled airship; and Mobs only moving in one…
Make a cvar for specifying freeze time for replaced zombies. Maybe also a cvar
for moving them to spawn.
In addition there could also be a cvar for specifying auto-ban time on the
disconnected …
The current monsters just flounder around randomly. This is maybe believable for zombies or bats, but I like to believe that pirates are better than that...
First AI (200 XP): Make it so that a …
If certain zombies collide with Perry in a certain way (shorter 1 on 1 side, bigger on 1 on the other), Perry "naturally" jumps up. He can then only attack the bigger 1, and if theres a small 1 behind…
There should be a little bit of XP given when players search. Need to think about how to keep this from being exploitable (i.e: only searching T1 areas to level up)
I think this would make a huge difference. Seeing the muzzle flash when shooting, hearing the shot and maybe seeing the projectile flying towards a target would really make it more fun. It makes you f…
In the previous turn, my goblins killed the skeleton knights that were in front of them. The zombies and sk…