### Platform
### Assembly
I did the assebly by myself
### nRF24L01+ Module
nRF24L01+ plus
### Antenna
circuit board
### Power Stabilization
Elko (~100uF)
### Conn…
After so much time on v4 I have a fairly good idea of what I want to do with version 5, but I'm open to suggestions as well. This is an issue to track said suggestions from the community.
mrmrs updated
2 years ago
The @RunWith annotation has been widely successful in enabling the integration of other testing tools with JUnit. For example, the following testing libraries (among others) use it: jMock, Mockito, JM…
Based on 22fb59b973a1145646e333705d822f156218570b
1) Write out MSOM equations? Would help me differentiate Rhat_true from Rhat_obs.
2) Looks like MSOMs can mistakenly at…
Currently there no special assistance for calling stored procedures, but this could probably be made simpler.
komu updated
2 months ago
**Describe the bug**
Nothing happen with the app. and the treadmill, I see that the app see my treadmill as it is written : Br-255 found. Reading te Qz user guide, I see that
sorry Roberto, I wis…
The general bug is a case where a phrase with no slop is found,
but if you add slop its not.
I committed a test today (TestSloppyPhraseQuery2) that actually triggers this case,
jenkins just hasn't ha…
""""indonesia """"
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-logo="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/syukriadi66/code/master/logo10_5_114441-picsay.png" group-title="INDONESIA", RCTI
Updated `07262022-204408`
- [GitHub Issue](https://github.com/extratone/i/issues/17)
- [WTF](https://davidblue.wtf/drafts/7179B627-2CAC-4527-9281-8294D250A685.html)
- [Things-Siri Shortcut](things://…
Migrated from [rt.perl.org#57554](https://rt-archive.perl.org/perl5/Ticket/Display.html?id=57554) (status was 'open')
Searchable as RT57554$
p5pRT updated
2 years ago