I'm trying to use STgradient to find any correlation between gene expression and distance. I used Seurat for preprocessing and normalization and I'm wondering if I can extract the counts and coo…
Read Me branch off the main
If i try this with python 3.9.16
### With python-barcode 0140 and Pillow 9.5.0 **=> OK**
Python 3.9.16 (main, Jun 30 2023, 08:01:58)
[GCC 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-18)] on linux
Can someone please post the sample .bam file for the velocyto python notebooks for which i can myself generate the loom file.
Hi Aaron,
I used `read10xCounts(..., type = "HDF5")` to load a HDF5 file from CellRanger v3.
I was surprised to get an error when I then ran `scater::calculateQCMetrics()` on the result.
I have to keep trying for over 5 minutes to success.
### Project short name:
### Primary Wrangler: @ipediez
### Secondary Wrangler:
### Associated files
* Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LuId…
I am new to Single-Cell Sequencing Analysis and coding, but I am working on analyzing some sequencing data and comparing interactions between cells.
I followed the CellPhone DB tutorials to prepare…
Hi velocyto team,
I have run velocyto on a smartseq2 sample and got the expected loom file output. But in the log of the run, I have a weird message :
"Summarizing the results of intron validati…
I encountered these two errors while running velocyto... the loom file is created.
2019-02-03 22:25:37,857 - DEBUG - Counting done!
2019-02-03 22:25:38,494 - DEBUG - Example of barcode: AGG…