When integrating using a `GaussLegendre` rule, we calculate nodes and weights using `FastGaussQuadrature.gausslegendre(::Int) -> Tuple{Vector, Vector}`.
For geometries that need to be decomposed prio…
Training data is from CMIP6 models, where the lowest model has a TCR of 1.33C (https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/downloads/report/IPCC_AR6_WGI_FGD_Chapter07_SM.pdf)
IPCC assesses 5th percentile of…
Tokio tracking issue: https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio/issues/4422
Example of how to do this with `libc` and `socket2`: https://github.com/stackabletech/secret-operator/pull/26/files
Neither `t…
Now that https://github.com/MPEGGroup/FileFormat/issues/35 has clarified the specification, there should be an error for inputs like this one (from https://github.com/AOMediaCodec/av1-avif/blob/master…
**User Story**
As a software development manager, I want issues that were not completed during the prior sprint to be moved into the current sprint 2 days after the sprint end so issues are not left …
@nspope has found problems with the conditional coalescent mixture priors used by tsdate. Surprisingly, better results are gained by averaging the priors over all the nodes, and using this single dist…
once i get "you don't have state dict", i can't generate an image with the sd model that is set, even if i complete the state dict, due to "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'sd_checkpoint_info'"
![206371648 - 10 - MS - Echelle](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/00d51a34-f921-4c6c-ad60-d5db4ca658fe)
![206371648 - 10 - MS - Mode ID](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/b9f7cfc2-…
As experienced by @bcli4d, perfectly valid IDC manifests that point to items available in prior versions of IDC would not work with `idc-index` download functionality.
I think we should:
1. (stopg…