The polishing error was reported by Dmitry Semchonok.
For relion polishing micname preservation is essential to trace back particles to aligned movies. Xmipp protocol does not keep it that cause po…
1 000001@Runs/018390_ProtRelionClassify2D/extra/input/Falcon_2012_06_12-14_33_35_0_movie_aligned_mic.mrcs 1
2 0000…
There are easyconfigs for this in the repo.
This needs CUDA.
This needs to work with RELION (same toolchain).
I just tried to follow the documentation to install the beta 4.0 but from my end it seems like the branch is not available. https://relion.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Installation.html
Am i mis…
JoinStar function sometimes fails saying "ERROR in appending metadata tables with not the same columns!" when you have many different labels.
This is probably because the "Also disable any labels o…
I'm running a relion 3d refinement:
00025: mpiexec -mca orte_forward_job_control 1 --oversubscribe -n 3 `which relion_refine_mpi` --i Runs/014001_ProtRelionRefine3D/input_particles.star --pa…
The 3d refinement of shiny.star fails with the following error message.
Auto-refine: Resolution= 7.88571 (no gain for 2 iter)
PHP PCNTL support is needed if wishing to gracefully interrupt testing with signals.
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "GLOB_BRACE" in /root/benchmark/phoronix-test-suite/pts-…
Software installed by IBM:
- Relion v3.1
- CTFfind4 v4.1.13
- Eman2 v2.39
- MotionCor2 v2
- CroYolo v1.6.1
- ResMAP v1.1.4
Add docs provided by Ruzhu
Hi @azazellochg,
I have installed scipion-em-relion with relion 3.1. When I try to execute the protocol relion_subtract I see that it does not longer use the program relion_project but it uses …