Save current view to SVG
* https://www.opengl.org/discussion_boards/showthread.php/166795-export-opengl-3d-scene-to-SVG
* http://www.geuz.org/gl2ps/
It could be separate entry in "File" menu …
ghost updated
7 years ago
We're getting this error message when trying to create derivatives on AWS
Errno::ENOENT (No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/donut-temp/hyrax/uploaded_file/file/34/.jpg)
on o…
Some officially unsupported file formats appear in Open Template dialog:
WebAPI manager v0.9.13
Config: all clear
I use keeweb (self-hosted) as my password manager for some time and I'm having issue with your latest version.
My keeweb is opened in a browser's tab. I…
When exporting the feature model as scalable vector graphics (.svg) some names of the features won´t be recognized as a text. Affected are features that contain the underline character (_) between at …
1) open svg in the browser
That was taken from the resource - https:/…
What are the list of file types that docviewer supports?
**_hackalittlebit_ opened the ticket and wrote:**
> I am tinkering with the state machine for planes.
> I had some difficulties understanding the code.
> For my self I changed some var names to mak…
I installed qgis2 on Sierrra, and I get the following error when starting:
Couldn't load plugin processing due to an error when calling its classFactory() method
TypeError: coercing to Uni…
rkrug updated
6 years ago
Hi, I had trouble recently with the fact that Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX didn't exist. Perhaps you could pick another color. I'm not sure where it went. I just substituted BLUE, and everything worked fine.