@weiweifu In your IOMB_AR6 results, we have a `sst` data product labeled LDEO which I assume is Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. It appears to be another shiptrack product but I am unable to locate m…
能否像sing-box-for-ios一样把“Experimental Android client for sing-box”变成一个github的开放项目,
@gaow Do you have any ideas on this?
$mash-docker uname -sn
Linux MASH
$mash-docker sos run workflows/gtex6_mash_analysis.ipynb
INFO: Running default:
INFO: Running export:
ERROR: [54aa6b62-8…
Sowohl im Feld geboren wie im Feld Geographischer Bezug fehlt der Zusatz (Landkreis Ravensburg)
Wie es richtig aussieht, s. https://portal.dnb.de/opac.htm?method=simpleSearch&cqlMode=true&query=nid%3…
Something like: all (n=11,117) or some (e.g., 1,000 randomly selected | sampling weights) respondents among adults aged 19 to 70 years
Variables of interest (not exhaustive):
- Some sociodemographi…
From the website (https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/index.html):
> FoodData Central is an integrated data system that provides expanded nutrient profile data and links to related agricultural and experiment…
Right now, `sfa_get_shares()` has some arguments which apply only for specific `type`s. This is confusing. Therefore, `sfa_get_shares()` should be split up into `sfa_get_shares_common()` and `sfa_get_…