Dear author, I would like to know how the hypergraph of the cora dataset in cocitation is constructed. If you can answer this question, it will be of great help to me.
**Describe the problem**:
A GBIF user has given the following feedback
A duplicate synonym
**Nereis virens Sars, 1835**
I ran the pipeline on my laptop like this:
``` sh
time sh lincRNA_pipeline.sh -c sample.data/cuffcompare_out_annot_no_annot.combined.gtf -g sample.data/Brapa_sequence_v1.2.fa -r sample.data/Brassica_…
**Notebook title**: generally, most
**Notebook url**: generally, most
## Issue description
In updating the notebooks and the "Author" section, I have been adding this information:
## Auth…
If a user has not been whitelisted on the site, they should not be presented with an option to change their username (because this will fail).
Instead, the username should be shown as "Guest".
see also #755
The `is_author` flag is set at the beginning if a member will also become an author. however it shouldn't be considered immediately an author, since authorship starts only 6 months after membership st…
We should check if we adhere to the 9 recommendations by scicodes:
I've taken a look over jBCrypt and have a few suggestions for cleanups and
improvements to the test coverage.
* more tests for invalid input checking
* fix use of a StringBuffer to sto…
**Outdated taxon**
Rana fasciata is a synonym of Strongylopus fasciatus (Smith 1849), Pyxicephalidae.
However, this taxon appears to group species that have sin…