It works for jumping between slides, but doesn't show the builds.
This can be done by making the client call `nextStep()` I think.
I'd submit a patch, but I need to finish my presentation first :)
will updated
13 years ago
This book content is a year old. Update the chapter structure to resemble the slides created for Drupal414 presentation: https://github.com/mglaman/deconstructing-drupal-commerce
- [ ] prepare animation?
- [ ] fill timeline
#### main
![website - slides 1](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1843523/4519276/daa3cf4c-4cb5-11e4-86ff-1075150674de.png)
#### evolution
To make sure our software matches with the expectation of the instructors, it would be helpful to visit one of the office hours held by Prof. Jonathan and showcase our application and presentation sli…
Per a presentation I read re: Ubisoft's dev. of games in C++ , they don't allow boost in their main tree, and I'm sure they're not the only ones. The main reason we're using Boost in the clientkit bin…
## Call for Presentations
There are topics where we are seeking a knowledgeable person to make slides and present to people who are trying to understand the topic:
- [ ] DHT
- [ ] secio
- [x] …
ghost updated
6 years ago
Hey all, thanks for maintaining this delicate topic.
We are in the process of picking a CoC for our user group. I suggested this one, but one of my co-organizers opposed it, as it does not condemn …
# Provide required information needed to triage your issue
We have an Add-In, where we save to the document settings using Office.context.document.settings.set (followed by Office.context.document.se…
Galaxy Installation with Ansible | |
-- | --
Goals | Learn the basic pronciples of Ansible and what is needed to run playbooks
Why | basic for all other trainings
Dependencies | none
Time | …