Hi, I would like to point out that there are some problems with the aspect ratio of the images.
Using this bootstrap code in the bootstrapemail online editor the aspect ratio are respected:
New term request Borrelia burgdorferi antibody high in CSF, blood or synovium (samant_101219003110): Lyme bacterium; cerebrospinal fluid; IgM or IgG
New term request Recombinant JCV-Virus protein 1 antibody titer high in CSF (samant_110123155513): VP1; cerebrospinal fluid; Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; Jakob -Creutzfeldt disease
Helen wants to publish a single file, `release_20240129/therapeutics-description-outpatients-2024-01-16.html`. She has created this draft publish snapshot: https://jobs.opensafely.org/coverage-effecti…
MSID: 101173
Version: 1
Preprint DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.07.10.602846
## Step 1. Awaiting reviews
**Editorial to post reviews via hypothesis**
**Useful links:**
- DocMap: https://data-h…
Dear Authors,
Congratulations on your brilliant works. your work is important to my current project. I am working on predicting sequence given by antibody + antigen complex strucutre. I hav…
New term request Cryptosporidium antigen present on immune assay or DFA of stool (nadea3_190523010408): EIA; direct fluorescent antibody; fecal UMLS: 2362654
Sub-lineage of:XBB.1.5.20
Earliest sequences:2023-3-24,Canada EPI_ISL_17462154
Latest sequences:2023-4-2,Canada EPI_ISL_17500101/17500102
Number of Sequences:22
I tried to put `zsh` or `oh-my-zsh` in the config file to exclude it from upgrade.
## What did you expect to happen?
Zsh not to be upgraded
## What actually happened?
Command failed with…
New term request Cryptosporidium antigen present on immune assay or DFA of stool (nadea3_190523010408): EIA; direct fluorescent antibody; fecal UMLS: 2362654