Hi, I'm trying to use TRUP to identify fusions in my RNAseq data, using my 64-bit Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.2.
I have an issue performing the initial Quality Check, with both `fastx_quality_stats` and …
I am attempting to convert my fasta files to fastq using the command:
seq -F contig.2.fasta > contig.2.fq
but I keep getting:
seq: invalid option -- F
hello dear developers of scPipe
I have an issue in running sc_trim_barcode at the first step of scPipe pipeline for single-end data. Running sc_trim_barcode like the command below, resulted in " no…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. in the sample TableDemo.java the table feed url is
2. the FeedURLFactory getTableFeedUrl() function, when passed the same
[11:57:50] [info] - Extension Info: v1.6.3
[11:57:50] [info] - Browser Info: 5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.7
(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.75 Safari/535.7 CoolNovo/
(you don't have to strictly follow this form)
**Describe the unexpected behaviour**
When using chdb for inserting data into a table (classic MergeTree table) in the local filesystem, sometimes it …
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. in the sample TableDemo.java the table feed url is
2. the FeedURLFactory getTableFeedUrl() function, when passed the same
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. in the sample TableDemo.java the table feed url is
2. the FeedURLFactory getTableFeedUrl() function, when passed the same
When we run coverm:
/home1/jialh/anaconda3/envs/MAG/bin/coverm contig \
-t 8 -r /home1/jialh/brain/CAGs/CAGs/cdhit_rep_seq.fna \
-1 /home1/jialh/brain/JPN/preprocessing/01_processing/05…
Dear author, thanks or your excellent work.
I'm using trinity to assemble my plant sample. It …