Hello @ajalt. Came across this interesting project of yours and this might just help me with my requirement.
I am trying to use the Jetpack Compose extension to generate a `Color()` object for com…
I would like to use this in my jetpack compose project, but I'm not sure how to pull off the `subscribe` in conjunction with compose to trigger recompositions. Any tips or examples? I put what I have …
Process: com.biblereadingcommunity.android, PID: 8039
java.util.NoSuchElementException: Collection…
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
Absolutely love that we can configure font scales by creating our own test activity that implements `TestifyResourcesOverride`. Wou…
Hi. I have installed `react-native-onesignal` and after running `npm run android` I get error `Task :app:checkDebugDuplicateClasses FAILED` ( will attach details it below ).
Do you plan on adding clustering to the Compose version of Google Maps? I tried making the switch from `AndroidView({ MapView() })` to the new Composable function but struggle to implement the `Cluste…
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method drawRoundRect-ZuiqVtQ$default(Landroidx/compose/ui/graphics/drawscope/DrawScope;Landroidx/compose/ui/graphics/Brush;JJJFLandroidx/compose/ui/grap…
## Why
After Google released [BOM](https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/setup#bom-version-mapping) for the compose libraries, it helps us to manage the latest versions of libraries we are …
I had the following use case:
I want to use a NavHost for a specific part of the app (trying out compose navigation in an Activity-based application) but the screen which I am navigating to needs the…
I'd like to get [PhxForm](https://github.com/liveviewnative/liveview-client-swiftui/blob/main/Sources/LiveViewNative/Views/PhxForm.swift) and [PhxSubmitButton](https://github.com/liveviewnative/livevi…