I'm trying to build the rtabmap , but I'm getting the following make error when building rtabmap from source on ubuntu 18.04 with ROS melodic.
make -j4,and the result as follows:
[ 4%] Bu…
CMakeFiles/localPlanner.dir/src/localPlanner.cpp.o:在函数‘laserCloudHandler(boost::shared_ptr const&)’中:
localPlanner.cpp:(.text+0x1e91):对‘pcl::PCLBase::setInputCloud(boost::shared_ptr const&)’未定义的引用
I'm trying to build the rtabmap by opencv3.4.2 , but I'm getting the following make error when building rtabmap from source on ubuntu 16 with ROS kinetic.
cmake .. output is as follows :
我用protobuf3.8.0编译 error onnx_ONNX_NAMESPACE-ml.pb.cpp is not a member of ‘google::protobuf::internal::WireFormat’
然后使用protobuf3.13.3编译 onnx_ONNX_NAMESPACE-ml.pb.h:368: undefined reference to `g…
trying to get this up and running on my ubuntu 20.04 workstation and seeing a build error.
ive cloned this repo into the grbl/grbl/ source directory as specified in the instructions and still am se…
Im on opensuse tumbleweed
here is the commands i run and error
`localhost:/home/nikita/Downloads/face/bcwc_pcie # make
make -C /lib/modules/5.6.12-1-default/build M=/home/nikita/Downloads/face/bc…
I've got C:\Program Files\CURL setup with \lib \bin \include and .\ from that directory in the PATH variables. Just hasn't been working. I truly don't know what I'm doing because I've never used C or …
- Adldap2 Version: 10.2
- LDAP Type: OpenLDAP
- PHP Version: 7.2
I'm able to retrieve users. Create user.
But I'm struggling to create group.
$group = Adldap::make()->group([
I am getting these errors when I try to compile with catkin_make, Has anyone experienced this problem before ?
My VESC firmware is 4.1 and Hw: 4.10
`Building CXX object morph_hw/CMakeFiles…
Hi, I install this package as your instruction. My system is Ubuntu16.04 and I have installed libfreenect2 successfully. When I finally run
`catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release"`
There is an err…