My code is:
package mavlink;
import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.Socket;
import io.dronefleet.mavlink.Mavlink2Message;
import io.dronefleet.mavl…
1. 替换所有中文逗号,为英文逗号,
2. 根据报错提示,修改其余的符号错误即可
detailed description will update soon
what's more in order to fix this bug ,should I directly deliver a PR or…
The public interface of the PolarisClient class only has functions returning void. If the API key authentication fails, there is no way to determine this. There should be some public function(s) for q…
Idea being that the client shouldn't watch specific mavlink messages, but instead an abstraction of the platform, and it should be kept in sync with the server -- like how the UDL on the server abstra…
3DR Radio i.e.. SiK Firmware can be configured/flashed using MAVLink. Should investigate a solution to do that as it makes updating easier when the radio is 'embedded' in a vehicle.
I have been able to set up the gazebo simulator correctly and the iris drone is well visible. The command `rosrun mavros mavsys mode -c OFFBOARD` shows that the mode has changed. The command `rosrun m…
Na střechu auta by bylo vhodné připevnit autopilota, který bude vyčítat senzory (např. airspeed), bude určovat home-position. Dále z něj můžou být ovládány další věci jako odpojování magnetu pro TF-R1…
* Interface with PixHawk over MAVLink
* Control camera servo
* Control Status Indicator Light (SIL)
I ping you upon suggestion by @julianoes.
This is neither a bug nor issue nor request report. It is an effort to seek your support for working towards a more complete camera and comp…
Giving as granted your valuable experience with the modules used by QLRS would be great to start a new project.
Drop RX input / output and make QLRS telemetry link.
Allowing to send data transp…