.pkl file is composed of frames, so you can decode video to frames, then save frames to .pkl file
_Originally posted by @huangjun12 in https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleVideo/issu…
Hello fmaschietto,
I am using the code snippet below to create a visualization in PyMOL, following the instructions provided in the notebook. Based on my understanding, the correlation network sho…
ash prepare/download_smpl_files.sh
bash prepare/download_glove.sh
bash prepare/download_t2m_evaluators.sh
The smpl files will be stored in the 'body_models/smpl/' folder
From (or…
Is it possible to make the code work with .pkl trained using StyleGAN2-ADA ?
The default code throws an error:
It seems the uploaded model doesn't work. is it possible to update it? Thanks!
Preping WOD 1.4.1 with
`python tools/create_data.py waymo --root-path /mnt/ADASTEC_STORAGE/waymo_root/ --out-dir /mnt/ADASTEC_STORAGE/waymo_root/ --workers 4 --extra-tag waymo` results:
作者大大,请问您GenMOP数据集里面比如GenMOP文件夹里的knife-test里面的align.pkl,这个pkl文件代表的是什么呢?我看print之后是[1.261816950381963, array([[ 0.99954869, 0.00206526, -0.02996914, -1.48174075],
[ 0.01255013, 0.87769051, 0.4…
转换代码为:model_transform --model_name yolov8_pt --model_def ../best.pt --input_shapes [[1,3,640,640]] --mean 0.0,0.0,0.0 --scale 0.0039216,0.0039216,0.0039216 --keep_aspect_ratio …
1819: [[0, {'bbox': array([ 618.625, 81.75 , 1031.375, 709.25 ], dtype=float32), 'pose': array([[733.08105, 205…