No longer able to install Relion. Last weekend, I was able to install Relion on an AWS instane. This weekend, unable to reproduce the installation. On a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 AWS g.4.xlarge instance, I …
I ran relion_refine_mpi, and got this warning:
WARNING: FSC dipped below 0.5 and rose again. Using
higher resolution of 20…
My issue is that none of the graphic are working as im getting
SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpget' '-v2c' '-c' 'COMMUNITY' '-Oqv' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/supermicro:/opt/librenms/mibs/del…
After doing ctf correction and particle extraction, I tried with relion_refine (not relion_refine_mpi:
relion_refine --o Refine3D/job005/run --auto_refine --split_random_halves --i particles_subtom…
I'm trying to Autopick (Laplacian) a set of elongated particles that are around 150A long. I manage to get a nice 2D classes in Cryosparc but, since I have preferential orientation, people reco…
I exported a .cs file from a cryosparc v2 homo-refinment and converted to .star with csparc2star.py, but the output rlnImageName field isn't a valid path. The reason seems to be that the paths in the …
Any chance that we will get the harsh and gentle clean options for Relion jobs?
Thank you
I would like to report an error.
when running relion_particle_symmetry_expand with a star file containing an unknown label, it warns me, "will ignore (but maintain) values for the unknown label"…
I was following the procedure exactly on the 2016 nature protocol paper, and got error on the procedure 9. Here is the output:
WARNING: skipping, since cannot get CTF values for ./Tomograms/tomogr…
ubuntu 14.4 and openmpi 3.0
when set MPI procs>1 the error is :
No components were able to be opened in the pml framework.
This typically means that either no components of this type were