The addition of this functionality is a nice inclusion in WebApollo 2 as correcting the splice junctions, with all of the concomitant joy of zooming in and out to base level takes up much of the annot…
Too much Nodes are being merged based on SJ-only Edges:
Hi, I've been trying to merge over 100 BAM files.
First off, I aligned fastq files (both paired and singleton) using STAR to the genome, and generated my BAM files. The data was from a variety of dif…
I have run the IsoSCM (version 2.0.11) tool using the following command.
java -Xmx2048m -jar IsoSCM-2.0.11.jar assemble -bam simulated_mapped_read.sorted.bam -base simu_tool -s reverse_forward
I am getting an error:
make: *** No rule to make target 'sheep/data/Ovis_aries.Oar_v3.1.88.chr.gtf.mapTrans2Gene.tsv', needed by 'sheep/star/cufflinks2//pt0a.se.transcripts.riu.cufflinks2.ir…
I need a single value for gene-level expression for each sample (or for each condition) that would be equivalent to the 'Read-pairs per sample, gene level' on the right side of the plots. Is there som…
Hi Alex,
When I use "--outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate" STAR uses only a single thread once it has started sorting, regardless of what the parameter "--outBAMsortingThreadN" is set to. This seems…
This references #2752
I think we should strictly roll back `tophat` to Python v2.7 AND link it with `bowtie2` v2.2.5. `bowtie2` v2.3.0 was recently released, but does not play nice with `tophat` …
Splice junctions for a certein gene locus might change among different experiment conditions, just like expression levels. For expression levels, we could use [multibigwig ](https://github.com/cmdcoli…
Add command line functions for annotating exons next to splice junctions, creating SE and MXE events, and calculating psi