# 버스 경로 데이터 구조 조사하기
* android app의 코스화면에서 사용할 버스 경로를 그리기 위해 서버에서 제공해야하는 경로 데이터를 `다른 서비스`에서 어떻게 사용하는지 조사하기
* google map api
* naver map api
* 지도에서 길따라 구불구불하게 그릴지, 정류장별로 일직선으로 그릴지에 대해 가능여부도 조사
I created 16 containers concurrently with --rm specified and named 2 - 17 via:
`docker run -d --rm --name {#} ubuntu /bin/sh -c 'a=0; while [ $a -lt 75 ]; do echo "line $a"; a=`expr $a + 1`; sleep …
**Explanation of the issue:**
The Cooperative of Belgium (Syndicalist Belgium formed peacefully) has the default Belgian flag in the upper left corner, but the syndicalist Belgian flag on all its uni…
**Explanation of the issue:**
Multiple focuses in the Flanders-Wallonia Focus Tree's military section are not localized
**Quick questions:**
OS: Windows 10
HoI4 version: 1.5.3
Kaiserreich ver…
**Explanation of the issue:**
Event "Creation of the Banking Committee":
Government-->government / The King block-->The King blocks
Event "Rebels Push Into Antwerp":
World Ne…
**Explanation of the issue:**
After defeating the Commune and taking the "Return to Paris" Focus, I gained cores on all of the Commune's former land except for Haute-Savoie
Edit: They also do no…
I have a class and inside that class i have a struct, now i want to write the class variable "name" and the structure member "a" in the json file but i am not able to do so, can you please help me wit…
__TLDR:__ It's difficult to set up routing between the state set on the application view model and the components and bindings that need to be rendered. This proposal provides a mechanism to make thi…
**Explanation of the issue:**
When letting brussels go to the rebels, nothing happens for the next few weeks. The game seemingly puts the revolution on hold.
**Quick questions:**
HOI4 …
**OS:** [e.g. Windows 7]
**Version:** [e.g. 0.5.2]
After Flanders-Wallonia splits up, I got an event to support the Greater Netherlands movement, which I did. After Flanders did the focus "Full in…