Select type of series:
1: Anime (Gogoanime)
2: Anime (Animepahe)
3: Drama (Myasiantv)
4: Movies & TV Shows (Vidsrc)
5: Movies & TV Shows (Superembed)
Enter your choice: 4
Recent bug in `unstructured` is preventing tests from passing:
2024-08-11T22:04:35.5170317Z ERROR bbot.scanner:scanner.py:1195 Error in unstructured.handle_event(FILESYSTEM("{'path': '/tmp/…
My computer running Windows 7 cannot install the Audible UWP app, and AudibleManager refuses to activate. Where can I find my Audible account's 8-digit code, required to run this converter? Is it on t…
### Bug Description
This issue was encountered during the integration of the `admission-webhook` rock into Charmed Kubeflow, tracked in [this issue](https://github.com/canonical/admission-webhook-ope…
🚨Please review the [Troubleshooting](../#troubleshooting) section
before reporting any issue. Don't forget to check also the current issues to
avoid duplicates.
### Subject of the issue
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'depthai_ros_msgs'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(luxonis/depthai-ros/depthai_ros_msgs)
-- Using these message generators: gencpp;geneus;genlisp;gennodejs;genpy
-- d…
Every time I try to download a video tweet, I get an "unsupported URL" error. Here's an example verbose log.
D:\Programs\Bulk downloaders\gallery-dl>gallery-dl https://x.com/HonoluluSize/statu…
So we're working on beginning to use the KCL. We've got a Dockerized build that pip-install's `amazon_kclpy==2.0.1`. Sometimes this works, but sometimes we get 429s from Maven for all the things it ne…
### Description
I have installed a docker container from [https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-pyload-ng](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-pyload-ng) which seem to use python3.12. When …