Hi team,
Recently I've been trying Apollo's lidar perception module with LGSVL simulator.
I've encountered the following case:
* when there is no random-shape obstacle added, the …
If `vis_batch_range` parameter in config file is left empty, the process will crash.
Here's the error:
Epoch 0/49
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/gpfs/fs2/n…
I want to use your pretrained model (KITTI) to output some depth-maps. Therefore I created a dataset folder as you said
$source Test/test.sh /home/username/Desktop/bryan/Sparse-De…
Hi, I would like to run cnn_segmentation_test.cc but can't.
Following the instruction from #296, do ``bazel test --config=unit_test //modules/perception/obstacle/lidar/segmentation/cnnseg:cnn_segment…
**Submitting author:** @KevinShook (Kevin Shook)
**Repository:** https://github.com/CentreForHydrology/WDPM
**Version:** v2.0b
**Editor:** @kbarnhart
**Reviewer:** @r-barnes, @awickert, @KCallaghan
I run the command " $ python kitti_object.py --show_lidar_with_depth --img_fov --const_box --vis --pc_label " , then occur the fault as following:
data/object training
no pred file
# The projection of semantic label on lidar data is not accurate
I do the following to add semantic labels to point cloud data from lidar sensor in carla:
1.I get the intrinsics as stated in #56.
In your paper, A Benchmark for LiDAR-based Panoptic Segmentation based on KITTI, it says, " We provide temporally-consistent instance annotations for all traffic participants including vehicles, pedes…
1. Start QGIS
2. Type `osm Tio Tio Road Wellington ` and push enter
3. Segfault
Process: QGIS [24669]
Path: /Applications/QGIS.app/Contents/MacOS/QGIS
I have a problem with running the simulator with only image data. It complains about
E0716 19:03:37.176589 29053 lane_post_processing_subnode.cc:154] failed to get shared data. event:event_id…