**Question**: What languages should the DuoTone themes support? Here a couple options:
1. Only the ones that get [bundled](https://github.com/atom/language-examples/tree/master/languages) with Atom.
[Enter steps to reproduce:]
1. ...
2. ...
**Atom**: 1.21.1 x64
**Electron**: 1.6.15
**OS**: Ubuntu 16.04.3
**Thrown From**: [rust-api-docs-helper](https://github.com/plafue/rust-api-docs-hel…
Currently only the core languages that get bundled with Atom are included.
1. Should there be more? Any language?
2. Where to put them? Mix with the existing ones or a different directory?
[Enter steps to reproduce below:]
1. Open a Ruby on Rails model
**Atom Version**: 0.200.0
**System**: Mac OS X 10.9.5
**Thrown From**: [rsense](git://github.com/rsense/atom-rsense) package, v0.6.0
### Prerequisites
* Have you tried to reproduce the problem in [Safe Mode][safe-mode]? yes
* Have you followed all applicable steps in the [debugging guide][debugging-guide]? yes
* Have you c…
steps to reproduce:
1. start Atom with an already opened .sh file
seems to be the same error as after the fresh install #1
**Atom**: 1.21.0 x64
**Electron**: 1.6.9
**OS**: Ubuntu 17.04
Copied from https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/74909
- VSCode Version: 1.35.0
- OS Version: macOS Mojave 10.14.5
Using textmate grammar:
![An image is worth a thousand words](https://u…
Given a project folder where the `.flowconfig` is not located in the root folder but somewhere in a nested folder (e.g. because only a part of the entire project uses flow atm).
Then the flowtype lan…
[Enter steps to reproduce:]
1. ...
2. ...
**Atom**: 1.31.2 x64
**Electron**: 2.0.7
**OS**: Mac OS X 10.12.6
**Thrown From**: [atom-autocomplete-php](https://github.com/Peekmo/atom-autocomple…
[Enter steps to reproduce below:]
1. ...
2. ...
**Atom Version**: 1.0.19
**System**: Unknown Windows Version
**Thrown From**: [autocomplete-erlang](https://github.com/iraasta/autocomplete-erlang) pac…