The processing was ok but after I change the study site, I got error in sbas.compute_align() as below
*** pandas.errors.InvalidIndexError: Reindexing only valid with uniquely valued Index objects
`convert(Matrix, x')` is so slow that I haven't gotten it to finish. `convert(Matrix, x)` works just fine.
julia> using YAXArrays, Zarr
julia> path = "~/data/DataCube/v3.0.2/esdc-8d-0.…
The localisation vertical bar should show on one side the number of total localising data points (patient N) used to plot the heatmap and on the other side the normalised %
The lateralisation ho…
Misspellings seem to be the #1 issue with maps not displaying correctly
jsoma updated
9 years ago
What is the best way to start looking at spatial differences using the lat-long information? Currently, the latitude and longitude values for each observation are in separate columns. There are just u…
I download "ARRM10to60E2r1" test data from[ ](https://web.lcrc.anl.gov/public/e3sm/inputdata/ocn/mpas-o/ARRM10to60E2r1/)
And I get some information from "init_mode_forcing_data.nc" file, see bel…
We are running simulations with a moving vertical grid.
It works fine with netcdf files but fails when we attempt to create the fieldset from an xarray dataset (see error message at the bottom).
Definition = The geographical origin of the sample as defined by latitude and longitude. The values should be reported in decimal degrees and in WGS84 system
Expected value = decimal …
Lat-Long information in the session objects in all Appointment APIs are truncated to integers
(lat:12,long76 - /v2/appointment/sessions/public/findByDistrict, findby Pin)
Getting correct lat-lon…