Previous: #46.
- [x] replace "gratipay" with "liberapay" in the code
- [x] clean up the DB schema (id as primary key everywhere, etc)
- [x] implement mandatory email+password auth
- [x] rework the UI including its t…
It's not as convenient as credit cards but [the fee is only 0.5% instead of 1.8% + €0.18](https://www.mangopay.com/pricing/pricing-worldwide/).
The latest version of the v2 API supports idempotency-key being set in the request header to avoid operations happening twice:
However t…
Previous: #44.
When I request events in the API, pre-authorizations are never included. Why aren't they returned?
It would be nice if `MangoPay\Libraries\Log` implement [LoggerInterface](https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/accepted/PSR-3-logger-interface.md)
garak updated
8 years ago
This is Liberapay's monthly "what's up?" thread. Previous: #4.
It's the second time I have to report this problem (https://github.com/Mangopay/mangopay2-python-sdk/issues/35), you should update your release process to include the PyPI upload.
Let's kick off this salon with a monthly "what's up?" thread.