I was just testing some behaviors in 2.0.0 RC4 such as creating new annotations from single exons and from individual RNA-seq reads and I wanted to check that they were being added to the same gene wi…
- Overlapper issue - Not sure what the deal is, but it might be worth noting that we're using the November 2013 WA version for this particular genome (didn't want to deal with updating issues while pe…
I have been updating Canu as frequently as possible over the course of the past few months. Unfortunately, I have not kept specific notes on versions -- so I will have to speak in terms of before/afte…
Pop-up menyer som brukes for å velge image, tooltips, "hjørne-elementer" for resize, youtube video elector, etc alle bruker Z-index for å ligge på toppen i redigeringsverktøyet. Problemet er at de ikk…
### 1) Manual annotations are being shown in the incorrect scaffold.
As I was testing the conditions described in #531 using the Honey2 genome data on Apollo2 (http://icebox.lbl.gov/Apollo2/annotator…
Dersom man har flere møter som overlapper, så er de bare oppå hverandre.
Forslag til fiks: få events til å dele på plassen, slik at hvis det er to (2) events som overlapper, er begge bare halvparten …
Dear Dr. Chin,
How are secondary reads defined by DALIGNER? Based on the following comment, it looks like that the longest read is considered the best, all else are secondary for a particular ZMW wel…
Hi there,
We've noticed a number of issues pertaining to the correct gene parent assignment of multiple mRNAs. I have identified one source for these errors. If a user creates multiple annotations, t…
Hi. I'm trying to use FALCON to assemble a small to midsize genome (~200 to 230Mb), where it's known that the genome is highly repetitive. I'm trying to optimize the cfg settings to increase the assem…
We have sequenced 80x Pacbio Reads of Rice Genome , but the Quality of these data is relatively low ( Low alignment identity compared to Ecoli Test Data , Fruitfly Data etc. ) .
Then I trie…