**Issue by [akerrigan](https://github.com/akerrigan)**
_Friday Aug 04, 2017 at 19:22 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/stan-dev/stan/issues/2375_
#### Summary:
Samples generated f…
# Example
# load the data
data(SalmonSurvCUI, package="MARSS")
# get time indices
Hi! I learned about tidybayes during StanCon and I am very pleased with what I am finding.
I am wondering if there is a tidier way to use gather_draws() with a nested model akin to x_at_y(). I thin…
This is a recurring problem people run into when doing Bayesian ODEs (I think this can happen in Stan too, not just Turing).
Relevant discourse thread: https://discourse.julialang.org/t/turing-nuts…
David Chudzicki suggested this enhancement in mail to stan-users of Feb 3, which I excerpt here:
Calling the extract method on a stanfit object (returned by sampling or stan) puts the parameters …
#### Summary:
Samples generated from a simple hierarchical normal prior (no model, just prior) don't agree with the theoretical distribution or those generated numerically near the truncation point (…
I realize we haven't gotten to this yet, but I think it should probably be on the radar, at least to discuss.
`bbr.bayes::submit_models()` isn't implemented and `bbr::submit_models()` doesn't work …
I am running bayes.glmm r package but it is giving an error:
data("sample", package = "bayes.glmm") pheno = data$pheno geno = data$geno cov = data$cov L
#### Summary:
I would like to see more flexibility in the specification of priors
#### Description:
The current specifications allowed for priors in, e.g., `stan_glm()`, are overly restrictive. T…
UGA 2016-01-01:2020-12-31
Error in if (any(efbmi_per_chain < threshold)) { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Enter a frame number, or 0 to exit
1: source("Analysis/R/execute_pipeline.R")