check-out http://addyosmani.github.io/getUserMedia.js/face-detection-demo/index.html
the permission popup is showed, but the webcam stream is not rendered on the box
I am having trouble understanding the rates reported by 'rostopic hz':
rostopic hz /raspicam_node/image/compressed
subscribed to [/raspicam_node/image/compressed]
average rate: 0.622
min: …
Just like the output of mmdetection for 2D outputs, is it possible to show bounding box names in the 3D detection output files?
The `openimages` module currently only supports getting object detection annotations with bounding boxes. Add the ability to also pull a dataset including object segmentation annotations.
We should add image detection to `ObjectExtractor` so it can report (and extract?) image boxes on a `Page`.
(see PDFBox's `org.apache.pdfbox.ExtractImages`)
Create a box around the camera so that you can't get too close to the walls,
this should also make collison detection easier
Think about how to do feature detection in images and allow the center or a bounding box to be passed to the next command.
typedef struct detection{
box bbox;
int classes;
float *prob;
float *mask;
float objectness;
int sort_class;
} detection;
Does anyone know what " float *mask" means?…
### System information
- **What is the top-level directory of the model you are using**: models/research/object_detection/
- **Have I written custom code (as opposed to using a stock example script…
Acronym DINO is confusing. What are the main differences between IDEA-Research's DINO (DERT with Improved DeNoising Anchor Boxes for End-to-End Object Detection) implementation vs Meta's DINO self-DI…