Is there anyone else(besides http://globo.com) using Clappr? I'm compiling a list of products/companies using it so if you want to be included let me know.
## Companies using Clappr
- Globo.com
- Lanc…
When searching `123 Example St., City Name`, no results are returned if the street has a North/South or East/West designation. You would, for example, need to search for `123 N. Example St., City Name…
Title, ctrl+direction to change direction without moving only works right and down, not left or up. Is very annoying.
21 行 "百度股票行情" -> "东财股票行情"
大佬要不要考虑下引入 lint 和 format 配置,不然别人不太好贡献代码,一按保存格式变一堆
### Use case
It would be convenient if models for well-known types such as `EventBridgeModel`, which map to well-documented objects in the AWS API, to use `Field(description=..., examples =...)`. Thi…
Chapter 6.2, pages 276-277 of v14 of the [Unicode Standard](https://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode14.0.0/) suggests using `⋯ U+22EF MIDLINE HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS` instead of `… U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIP…
For East Asian input systems (Chinese, Japanese, Korean), multiple key strokes are needed to input one character. Usually a box would appear to aggregate those strokes, and user can press ESC key to c…
**Issue Description**:
The EAST boater hat sprite has the wrong positioning
From https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/39.999942/15.690770&layers=P going east up to https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/40.000090/16.606929&layers=P there are some perfectly horizontal lines, h…