Example: https://github.com/ProteinsWebTeam/ebi-metagenomics-cwl/blob/master/tools/trimmomatic.cwl#L11
Running iprscan- encounters the following error:
[alces@login1(Sonny) ~]$ bash -e -l iprscan.sh
Thus preventing use of the `?` shortcut for optionality, and reducing re-use
I've been able to get all of the dependencies and databases setup so far except for the repeats database.
When I run `funannotate setup -d /Users/b8a/Bioinfotools/Databases -i repeats --update`
Processing a funannotate annotate on an existing genbank genome
Dear Jon,
After I succeed in run sample data, I still failed run my assembly.
When I followed the tutorial to run
`funannotate train -i xenia.contigs.fasta -o fun -s ../../../transcriptome_based_…
Running the following with a missing `clime` column in the csv, causes nextflow to hang until given C-c twice.
// Parse species.txt
I'm having this problem with some files:
30/05/2017 09:40:11:480 Welcome to InterProScan-5.24-63.0
30/05/2017 09:40:20:600 Running InterProScan v5 in STANDALONE mode... on Linux
30/05/2017 0…
Implementar um painel de resultados para o GO na página de resultados de um gene:
Biological Process: protein phosphorylation (GO:0006468)
Molecular Function: protein kinase activity (GO:0004672),…
Every analysis that requires custom fields needs a subtype.