### Are you requesting a feature, reporting a bug or asking a question?
### What is the current behavior?
How to add a custom property to arate type question?
### What is th…
### Are you requesting a feature, reporting a bug or asking a question?
### What is the current behavior?
How to make survey area optional? Add a button for Skip? and to skip that modal?…
Would be amazing if the module could work with Hexagonal types other than rows odd.
The Forbidden Lands map standard is Columns Even, and I'd love do use this module on my Raven's Purge campaign.
As part of a small 'polyfill' for popstate in browsers that do not support it (only hashchange, i.e. IE8/9) we trigger an event on the window to simulate one that is there natively:
Any input field I have input mask on, whenever I clear the data, there is grey text that remains until the focus moves to somewhere else, in which case it clears.
Is there a way to have this grey …
khepf updated
5 years ago
``` js
expect(ko.observableArray([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]), 'to be an observable array');,
expect([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], 'not to be an observable array');,
CesiumJS is an extensive library with a lot of functionality that, depending on the app or use case, goes unused. Installing the `cesium` npm package also syncs third party libraries which may go unus…
Feature request.
In knockout computed observables it is possible to change the value of "this" in the read/write callbacks by settings the owner option when defining the computed observable.
rmja updated
11 years ago
Puede ser que ya no ande? me tira eso cuando intento buscar un numero que existe y lo puedo ver por https://www.correoargentino.com.ar/formularios/oidn
_Error al conectar con el servidor_
asyba updated
3 years ago
Can we please have an option for group that does not make all objects validatable when iterating over the object graph.
The problem is that if you have auto insert span on, then it sometimes breaks t…