det1 : Amblystegium irriguum var. elongatum
ce nom ne se trouve nulle part - pourtant une det de Grout
valider det 1 svp et me dire comment disposer de ce taxon (Taxon 431)
e.g. [number of items with a taxon name](https://query.wikidata.org/#%23%20number%20of%20items%20with%20a%20taxon%20name%0ASELECT%20%28COUNT%28%2a%29%20AS%20%3Fcount%29%20WHERE%20%7B%20%5B%5D%20p%3AP2…
There seems to be an issue with attr readers in some configuration of model after_create/save hooks. See also original issue https://github.com/mrbrdo/spree_mobility/issues/6
Code triggering the is…
List of current problems regarding taxonomy ETL (these are largely edge cases, combined affecting ~10% of items )
- [x] itis returning multiple "valid" hierarchies for single species
- [x] itis li…
Stel nu dat je van je taxa (bv. "ScientificName"), bv. enkel de vaatplanten wil weerhouden. Hoe filter je die data eruit?
In dit geval heb je een kolom nodig waarmee je de vaatplanten kan weerhoude…
Multiple entries of Thalassarche chlororhynchos on taxon tree - two from NZOR and one from the Bonn Convention list. Two out of three of these have records attached (not the same records)
Assumption: that INSERT INTO Map (TaxaId, KeyCharacterId) VALUES (20,100); results in inserting flag into that cell for that taxon and character indicating that the character is known to be expressed…
both retu…
1. Add a translation key like `uncapitalized_taxon_name_words` and set it's val…
For my SARS-CoV-2 Nextclade trees I make extensive use of constraint trees (see e.g. previous issues #102, #144, . The following are some thoughts on making constraint tree validation throw a more hel…