Delivery date: June 2024
_Re-synced:_ Alucitoidea, Collembola.org, Global Gracillariidae, ITIS, MOWD, Pterophoroidea, ReptileDB, Species Fungorum Plus, StaphBase, Taxapad Ichneumonoidea, TITAN, UCD…
The current approach for parsing the traces is to rename project trace files with generator names from the assumptions workbook. However, sometimes a single generator has several trace files it could …
!!! WARNING !!!
Even without using the new "scene feature" of the plugin, you can use HomeKit SSH Script automations to set any exact RGBWC, SceneID, Dimming, and State val…
Kind of at wits-end with Centrifuge as I've been trying to get it to work with my own database, and NCBI bac & virus, for a long time now. To paraphrase Roseanna Roseannadanna, "Its always s…
For issue #54.
The csv content I'm pulling from the USDA PLANTS database has weird characters in it causing errors like this:
> File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\encodings\cp1252.py", line 23, in decode
hi, i am interested in the code for cross-modal retrieval ? can you share with us?
I want a mask rcnn .pb file and anchors file to be used in android, can anyone tell me how do I generate them as I only have a .h5 file
TensorFlow Version: 1.5.0
Keras Version: 2.1.2
Python version: 3.5.2
I am trying to extract the region of interest output of various datasets with the given model …
On the latest stable release, I have a lot of trees, and the editor hitches as I move the camera around (but in-game it seems fine). Is this something other people have seen? Should I try a nightly ve…