I have illumina paired reads 150bps that is targeted. The average coverage is pretty high. There is a known duplication of 77bps that is homozygous. It looks very good in IGV see snapshot.
Hi salmon team,
Thank you for developing this useful tool! I used salmon (v1.9.0) to quantify transcript abundance using full-length cDNA reads (ONT) after mapping with minimap2 to a transcriptome …
zodat de descriptions korter worden.
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The SRA related code that was recently accepted as part of #323 has caused too many issues, is tarnishing the reputation of HTSJDK and projects which depend upon it and is a big step in the wrong dire…
After running PASA annotation update pipeline, I have the updated annotation output in the GFF3 format. I am interested in understanding the specific updates made by PASA in original gene mode…
Great package!
I was wondering if there is a way to highlight the edges of a node and its connected nodes on clicking it. Similar to http://www.htmlwidgets.org/showcase_visNetwork.html
When we use STAR to map the results of targeted sequencing we merge the gencode annotation with specific amplicons we use for targeted amplification. (We design primers close to polyA site in the 3-pr…
Lizzy Wilbanks has left a new comment on your post "Prokka - rapid prokaryotic annotation":
Thanks for this great tool! So useful!! One thing that might be a nice addition for future releases would …
Hello Jim,
One of our cancer curators noticed that her RefGet IGV track was gone, she had this configuration under `$HOME/igv/genomes/hg38.json`:
![Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 9 31 53 am](https://g…
For long genes, the sashimi plots produced are hard to visualize. Anyway those plots could be scaled to reduce the intron width vs exon width?