we are currently using the `ros2` branch on a machine running ROS2 Foxy without any problems. We saw that the driver was formerly published as apt package and maintained on the [ROS index](h…
Assuming I did the calibration, would be okay to use the point cloud of Ouster instead Velodyne?
What would I need besides changing the topic and frame name?
I have an ouster (OS0) in a fixed position, I would like to rotate the orientation, so the X-axis is pointing 90 degrees to the left (like below)
![Screenshot from 2022-12-07 12-27-42](ht…
I am attempting to use PTP to synchronize the OS1-64-U LiDAR with my Ubuntu 20.04 computer running ROS Noetic. I have been following this documentation (https://static.ouster.dev/sensor-docs/image_rou…
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to connect sensor os0-32 on ubuntu 18.04 with ros Melodic. I'm using the FW 2.4, but when I initialize for roslaunch ouster_ros sensor.launch sensor_hostname:="os-1221370001…
Hello, sorry in advance for the long post.
We've had an issue come up twice now, once in April, once yesterday. These issues happened on different drone platforms.
The first one using:
I'm trying to Visualization from PCAP, Json data.
(Env : Windows, Visualstudio 2022, Qt 5.12.2, c++)
Now I have some problem with visualization.
MyTest visualization displays wierd view.
I have a requirement to (still) run ROS2 Eloquent on Ubuntu 18.04 and would like to integrate an OS0-32 and an OS2-32 sensor. I am able to successfully build from the Eloquent-devel branch, but the r…
How to remove noise from the 2D view of NEAR_IR field and also other fields like reflectivity?
Environment setup:
- Jetson Xavier
- JetPack 5.0.2 (ubuntu 20.04)
- ROS2 Galactic Desktop (pull from dustynv's repo)
To reproduce the error:
1. git clone this repo with -b galactic
2. cd r…