Le sujet d'une infrastructure commune pour les différents projets Légilibre a été évoqué plusieurs fois mais rien n'a vraiment émergé. Je pense qu'un inventaire des besoins et des propositions serait …
There are a handful of pixels in the "water_storage.tif" ISSR-800 raster (https://soilmap2-1.lawr.ucdavis.edu/800m_grids/rasters/water_storage.tif) that have a value of zero. Is this expected?
It …
evalf should always evaluate complex expressions in a FiniteSet to standard form, shouldn't it?
In [1]:r=solveset(x**4+3*x**2+2*x+1)
In [2]: print(r.evalf())
FiniteSet(-1.74697789611327*I + …
Arthur de progdupeu.pl m'avait envoyé du feeback par e-mail (en partie déjà [mis à jour](https://github.com/robin850/cours/compare/ba15a21b52...e016258f59)) cependant, il pense que l'on ne fai…
var("x,z,z0", real=True) ; var("zR", positive=True)
int_x = lambda u: simplify(integrate(u, (x,-oo, oo)))
I1 = int_x(abs(exp(-I/2 * x**2 / (I*zR + z)))**2) # Result i…
olcc updated
10 months ago
Dear author, is there any conclusive document about your code or any citation of your paper that I can find, thanks a lot.
created by @mtholder at https://gitlab.com/gogna/gnparser/-/issues/55
(First off: thanks for all the work on gnparser! It is shockingly efficient, precise, and complete.)
This may well be out of sco…
dimus updated
2 years ago
I often initially create designs in Processing, and then rewrite the code in Python using vsketch if I want to plot it with fills. One of the convenient aspects of Processing is that it supports a 3D …
Correction needed for raw affiliation Physique des Systèmes Complexes - UR UPJV 4663
raw_affiliation_name: Physique des Systèmes Complexes - UR UPJV 4663
new_rors: 01gyxrk03
I have ran different jobs using two primary scoring models, skewnormal and evcomplex. My question is regarding results from evcomplex jobs, which is, _what does it mean to have a probability > 1_. We …