Says in README that you can build your own version of javadraw by forking the internal branch, however I can't seem to find that branch.
Thanks for the great library by the way!
I am trying to do something akin to `./node_modules/.bin/pouchdb-server --level-backend sqldown --level-prefix "$DATABASE_URL"` where
How to download source code of d2bot manager? Thanks!
Hi Supriya,
I’ve attached an .xlsx file that shows the results of two Water Main
Temperature formulas.
File Tabs
Water Main (EPlus – Correlation): This is the formula used by Energy Plus
Hello, I can't download the VTAB dataset according to your configuration, can you send me a copy of the dataset, my email is 1971733261@qq.com.
And I hope you can provide the versions of the followin…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Run command in directory containing symbolic links
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Symbolically linked file should not be rep…
Thanks for your excellent code! I wonder know what I should do if I want to run this code on one computer instead of cluster.
When I simulate a Mid-rise Residential Building with recirculating water
heaters the Energy Use Summary Screen shows no values for both the Proposed and
Standard Design kTDV/ft2-yr.
I have a wf of 2 steps:
First step does unzip file. File could be fastA or fastQ. I set it as _[ edam:format_1929, edam:format_1930 ]_ and return file has _format: $(inputs.target_reads.format…
react-d3-cloud depends on a version of d3-color that is vunerable to reDOS: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-36jr-mh4h-2g58
Any version of d3-color