- **Min Version:**
Min: 1.32.0
Chromium: 122.0.6261.156
- **Operating system:**
Ubuntu 24.04 LTS w/ Wayland windowing and 200% Gnome scaling
## Expected Behavior
Trackpad pinch to zoom…
With the following i3 config:
# change focus
# move workspace
bindsym $mod+Shift+j workspace prev
bindsym $mod+Shift+semicolon workspace next
# move focused window
pinch-zoom is intelligent in that it restricts zoom according to the size of the image being wrapper. A larger image will allow more zooming.
I am using pinch-zoom to wrap an image. If I dynamicall…
### Description
If the map control is fully displayed on the screen when displayed for the first time, pin tap
operations on the map control and pinch/pan operations on the map control will work.…
**Describe the bug**
Focus input, will trigger transformContentComponent to scroll, but that event not be captured and not update transform state. So the transformContentComponent was location in wro…
I looked and didn't see an issue for this, but I may have missed it.
When I open a pdf in split doc, it shows in a reduced size to fit the allotted space. Can you make notebooks do that?
The zo…
From @AndrewArch
> re the Resize text check, can we say anything about page that don't 'pinch-zoom' on mobile devices? Maybe record in backlog for next review?
Shawn agrees to consider adding t…
pinch_zoom_image: ^0.2.5
Execution failed for task ':pinch_zoom_image:verifyReleaseResources'.
> java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.androi…
#### Expected behaviour
Changing extremes of the boosted chart with `dataGrouping` disabled redraws `Navigator` series correctly
#### Actual behaviour
After changing extremes, all `Navigator` ser…
Is it possible to pinch tree supports from Bambu Slicer?