The NBO is planning to retire its Phenotype branch (no date set yet). We are aware that MP has been using several terms from this branch. We would encourage you to review these. I recommend tagging @m…
### Context
I am working to integrate metasra.biostat.wisc.edu with the refine.bio dataset download (https://api.refine.bio/v1/dataset/{id}). First, our refine.bio integration is working. This is a…
**Preferred term label**
transit amplifying cell of gut
**Synonyms** (add reference(s), please)
Transit-amplifying cell (Broad) PMID: [24813615]
TA cell(Broad)PMID: [20683682]
needed for a number of issues
There are four different kinds of metrics we need to represent here:
1. Simple (metric: "value") (see below example: `axiom_count`)
2. Simple list (metric: [ "val1", "val2"]) (see below example: `…
Add things to edit in the use case (e.g., description, tasks, reqs) - https://use-cases.nih-cfde.org/uc-0007/
To sync OORO and radont, we need to include the following OORO "Patient Information" concepts in radont
- DateOfRecord
- AgeAtRecord
- Vital Status
- Gender Identity
- Has tobacco use history
Review and if necessary revise the related terms:
* [PATO:0001571 dilated](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols/ontologies/pato/terms?iri=http%3A%2F%2Fpurl.obolibrary.org%2Fobo%2FPATO_0001571)
* [PATO:0001602 …
cell and ('part of' some
('photoreceptor array' and ('part of' some 'compound eye')))
in dmel, this is a grouping of eight photoreceptors, four cone cells, and two primary pigment cells
Please check that the term does not already exist by using the ontology search tool OLS:
**Preferred term label**
crypt support fibroblast