if I update the skin, I have to uninstall it and then reinstall it. So my question is, can you build an update script that saves the skin.conf, then installs the update and restores the skin.conf? But…
### Aircraft Version
### Description
When will radar and terrain be active again in the stable version?
Thank you and good day
### References (optional)
_No response_
### Additional info…
I’ve noticed two ongoing issues.
1) Lower right/3dot/Level 3/NVW: VAD wind profile. 👈 Unable to access, 2-attempts shuts wX down.
2) Lower 5-Button Navigation/Button 4-NOB and Button 5-NOG. 👈 No lay…
generally like so
Greetings all
Just a few suggestions. If any been covered in the last updates please excuse. **Thanks** for all your hard work.
Scenario Editor:
-Random variable start points for platforms
My WarnGen on AWIPS II isn’t working. In the console log, I see “error in initializing geometries. I am set to my radar, KDIX and have set it to 0.5Z+SRM8. I am running it on a Windows 10 Home Laptop.…
It would be great to have a radar overlay for the map. Especially for those of us who offshore fish so our land based support systems can get a better idea of where we are in relation to storms moving…
First, a huge THANK YOU for all of your hard work! This is awesome!
I did a comparison of the stats that show up in HA versus what is on the Peloton website. Screenshots and comments/questions/th…
I am trying to launch apollo 3.0 alongside the carla simulator (version 0.9.5) using a ros-bridge.
Because carla has no radar sensors I need to run perception without radar input. I tried t…
Based on discussion on Twitter [see discussion here](https://twitter.com/samgardner_4/status/1590040476169621505?s=20&t=UjYMOjuu_0S4MqlrNrYj6Q), it would be great to have a Spectral colormap, with add…