Dostali sme podnet na podporu, že po otvorení DOCX súboru v Autograme dostal user všeobecný error screen s hláškou "Chyba pri otváraní dokumentu". Z tohto mi vychádzajú 2 nápady:
1. nepovoľme otvoriť…
I don't know why🫥
Related to [this issue](https://github.com/citizenos/citizenos-fe/issues/700), but focusing only on the process of downloading the results and the structure of the folders. Ignoring for now the issue …
v2.2.3, Linux, 2 ks ASICE -> otvoriť v Autogram
digital.slovensko.autogram.core.errors.UnrecognizedException: java.lang.RuntimeException: error.launchFailed.header port is already in use
at …
As some institution require files to be signed, then it should be possible to upload digitally signed files such as **asice** and **bdoc** also other
As it effects current logic, all places with fi…
Using app-crypt/qdigidoc4-4.3.0 I'm getting the following error message, when trying to sign an asice container using Estonian ID card: `Server access certificate expired on . To renew the certificate…
Momentálne zakazujeme podpis viacerých súborov do jedného kontajnera a tiež podpis kontajnerov, v ktorých sa nachádza viacero podpisov. Technicky to porlbém nie je. Problém je, že to nevieme rozumne z…
I don't know much about this, but it would be good to add such a format for validation, as it is actively promoted by DIIA
Preserving signed documents where electronic signature is equal to handwritten signature (e.g ASICE). Share current practices on metadata extraction, preservation and giving access to such files.
Pri viacnasobnom podpisovani asice suboru, kde potrebujem podpis s casovou peciatkou, je vzdy prvy podpis dokumentu OK, ale kazdy dalsi je uz potom bez casovej peciatky.
Pouzivatel A podpisal s cas…