The NIfTI [specification defines cal_min and cal_max](https://nifti.nimh.nih.gov/pub/dist/src/niftilib/nifti1.h) as follows:
float cal_max; /*!< Max display intensity */ /* float cal_m…
There are requests to easily convert such segmentation files (e.g. whole brain) to LayNii rim format and use e.g. `LN2_LAYERS`.
Therefore, I want to add two convenience flags to `LN2_RIMIFY`:
- [ ]…
@ofgulban: would it be useful to have the BrainVoyager DWI formats implemented in bvbabel? Most prominent are:
- `*.dmr/*.dwi` (slice-based data)
- `*.vdw` (volume-based data)
Some others are:
Questions: why only discrete (ie, sine 1, cos 1, sine 2, cos 2) completed cycles? what about other poten…
Hi Faruk,
I am trying to convert Brainvoyager's .VTC and .VMP outputs in NIFTI using your `read_vtc_export_nifti.py` and `read_vtc_export_nifti.py` scripts from the example folder. Unfortunately, t…
Hi Faruk,
Thank you so much for always solving my issues!
I am facing an issue that when I read fmr and write nifti with [your example script](https://github.com/ofgulban/bvbabel/blob/main/examp…
Thanks in advance for such a good transform solution and good tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBuhnVDXekQ
I apply pinch/pan gesture detectors as shown in video to enable user to zoo…
thank you for the tool, i'm currently trying to rotate my model once displayed on the map, as such I was playing with the tileset.json file top-level matrice and noticed something strange,
It would be useful to have an showing how to work with SRF (triangular mesh surface) and POI (patches of interest) files.
Example can be based on this dataset: https://search.kg.ebrains.eu/instance…
During the import of DICOM files Shanoir-NG could process a defacing on the imported dicom images.
The idea of this issue is:
1) to REALLY study and analyse the need of this feature (see latest scie…