As detailed in https://www.buzzfeed.com/nicolenguyen/one-emoji-font-to-rule-them-all & linked research, native emoji render _wildly_ differently, depending on platform & font. GitHub's current handli…
### Use case: description, code
[![Edit Vue Template](https://codesandbox.io/static/img/play-codesandbox.svg)](https://codesandbox.io/s/l96z96xoo7?module=%2Fsrc%2Fcomponents%2FHelloWorld.vue)
**Write a brief proposal for your multi-page website project.** What materials or ideas will you include? Where will viewers of the site begin ("land"), and by what paths will they find their way to o…
Here are some browser tabs, seen in a crowded chromium,
We observe all of *.openstreetmap.or…
- [ ] 1010!
- [ ] 123D Catch
- [ ] 2048
# Contexte
D'après un membre de Twitter, la personne qui a traduit en LSF les voeux de JLM était médiocre.
Liens :
The goal is to keep track of all submitted issues in Bugzilla and other repositories.
Note: Comments about progress will be reported every Friday at 5PM (EET time).
(Edited: current resolved-on proposal is at )
It would be incredibly useful to be able to transition to (or from) `height: auto`. As it st…
Bonjour à tous,
J'ai eu récemment un échange à propos de notre travail de transcription/traduction avec Noëlle, une utilisatrice facebook qui se plaignait de l'insuffisance des efforts fournis quan…