https://www.simscale.com/docs/content/simwiki/cfd/whatiscfd.html :star2:
I will list the input data and their format.
The file includes a list of **task status**.
The PASSCAP is the remaining capacity after the path has been served.
There is the open source package PreCICE to couple solvers.
actual is version 3.0.
is it possible to couple here other solvers with fluidX3D or inefficient and senseless?
The new CFD simulations are much slower on Windows than Linux. It seems especially slow at the beginning of the simulations when a lot of file writing is happening (converting DEM to STL, reading/wri…
Will the heat transfer, such as conduction and thermal radiation, be enabled in the the future version?
Particle-particle conduction in TDEM is rather easy by adding a thermal contact resistance giv…
OpenFoam with ligghts flowcharts
It would be great being able to simulate rod-shaped bacteria (or rods made of connected spheres).
Hi All,
I have successfully compiled and installed all files as suggested by the contributor. But I meet some problems when I tried to run the examples in tutorials. As the solver of cfdemSolverVoF…
Running from simphony-mayavi/examples
python mesh_example.py
produces error
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/simphony-0.3.1.dev0-py2.7.egg/simphony/core/cuds_item.py:7: UserWarning: Deprec…