I'm using `t_positive` from [Florida_COVID19_Cases (FeatureServer)](https://services1.arcgis.com/CY1LXxl9zlJeBuRZ/ArcGIS/rest/services/Florida_COVID19_Cases/FeatureServer), which is the only documente…
Been a while since I visited, but I noted the last update was Nov 3, 2020. Is the data no longer being updated?
Regardless of the answer, thank you for providing past data!
The population data is based on 2019, we now have numbers for 2020 that can be used.
Hey, a big thanks to @CSSEGISandData for all the amazing work you're doing! I found a small issue in the US time series tables (confirmed cases and deaths), and I wanted to report it just so you don't…
You're showing over 100,000 cases in Florida on 4/13/2020. This does not seem correct.
Hi Marc,
My team has been using the link to the FL state linelist that we found in your repo for the past few months (`https://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/4cc62b3a510949c7a8167f6baa3e06…
@jaumeortola the "add to dictionary" events have increased significantly for Spanish since the weekend. Seems like many names and abbreviations (CLP, USD, CRM, GIF, ...) were lost?
Here are some of…
[PUG5_shiny-->blog post brainstorming.docx](https://github.com/stat231-s21/Blog-Food-and-PUG-Administration/files/6401945/PUG5_shiny--.blog.post.brainstorming.docx)
In time for each country at 10 p.m., Google Trent Keyword Report will be published with this issue comment.
- Korea
- France
- Swiss
- UK (United Kingdom)
- US (United States of America)
Hello interested contributors! Welcome to the `covid19-review` project. Our goal here is to provide an up-to-date perspective on the current peer reviewed and preprinted literature around diagnostics …