Sorry to interrupt. I was compiling ceres-solver with cudss. However, the file `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/./libcudss.so.0.3.0` doesn't exist.
CMake Error at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/cudss/…
Just noticed that PyTorch added support for cuDSS in PR ( https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/129856 ), which appears to be included in 2.5.0 RCs. So likely this will be in PyTorch 2.5.0
It is …
**Describe the bug**
GPU utilization is 0 when running with CUDA and CUDSS. CPU is in heavy load instead.
**To Reproduce**
Build with CUDA and CUDSS support, set option use_gpu to 1, solving …
I saw that there is an option:
--BundleAdjustment.use_gpu (0/1)
for bundle_adjuster. But when I set 1, it seems bundle adjustment does not run on GPU.
I choose correct GPU index, and GPU i…
Hey, I tried following the [quickstart for gpu solvers](https://github.com/MadNLP/MadNLP.jl?tab=readme-ov-file#cuda-requires-extension-madnlpgpu), but was unable to get the solver to run.
My code …
I'm trying to use CUDSSSolver to solve cutest models. It seems impossible since it cannot be put onto GPU device?
I tried using CUDSS.jl with a sparse matrix coming from an electromagnetism problem (using the FEM method)
The sparse matrix is stored in a JLD2 file that can be download here: ~~[https://github.co…
I would like to use tools from this library in one of my projects, but I'm having some difficulties with the installation process on a Linux cluster.
I have extracted and set the library path to th…
i3s93 updated
3 months ago
**Describe the bug**
Low GPU utilization and GPU memory. Takes about 1h to register 1000 images, which is much slower than purely using CPU. The whole collection contains about 4300 images.
I have b…
The below is a standard CUDA dockerfile with cudSS installed on top. When compiling ceres as part of it this error is generated:
CMake Error at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/cudss/cudss-tar…